
Active Neck Stretch

Active Neck Stretch

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Improve your neck and upper back mobility with this active neck stretch. One of the most…

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Building a Strong Health Foundation

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Wellness tips with the highest health payout It’s that time of year again, New Year’s resolutions!…

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9 Airline-Approved In-Flight Stretches

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

If you are an avid reader of obscure news you may have heard about the 70-year-old…

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Back to School Tips

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Well, it’s that time of year again, where students go back to that place devoid of sleep…

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How To Care For Your Body Like An Olympian

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

If you followed the swimming events of the Olympics this year, you may have seen several events…

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Mobility, Stability, And The Art Of Automobile Maintenance

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Approx. 10 min read A balance between stability and mobility is essential to function properly, to…

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Stop running if you’re in Pain!

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Stop running if you’re in pain. Seriously. One of the most common sentences we hear when…

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Turn Your Keg Into A Six-Pack!

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Core training is one of the most talked about, often misunderstood, and hotly debated topics in…

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Chiropractor Herniates Lumbar Disc While Doing CrossFit

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

The title is true. I am a Chiropractor, and last week I herniated my L5-S1 disc…

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7 ultimate dynamic stretching exercises

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

One of the most important and often overlooked aspects of health and athletic performance is flexibility…

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